Tuesday 2 February 2010

Shooting Script


Happy New Year everyone
2012 has just rolled over, for
those wishing the end of the world
i hope your not disapointed, for everyone else
i will see you next year, have a good one

During this A person is seen rolling up a cigarette and somking it

Next scene is a radio changing stations

Make sure your wearing that sunscreen,
the temperature is getting higher by the day.
Heatwave warning Ladis and Gentelmen
Keep those children safe

During this scene people are enjoying the sun and listening to a radio broadcast.

All over the world the temperatures
are increasing drammaticaly in Khartoum
Sudan it has reached 48 C people are getting
burnt by just standing outside. Do not leave the
house uncovered this is a health warning

During this part its one long time lapse sped up of a busy town centre

Riots have erupted all over Africa and
the Middle East. Water shortages have hit
the countries and people hard. Aid is being flown
over but even we do not know how to cope with this

A scene with a new reporter running away from a mob happens. The camera man falls over and they just run past him.

With us today us Doctor Johnothan Woods,
doctor is this the cause of global warming?
No this is indeed the suns strength, instead of the fore
told solar flare, the sund fuels consumption of
hydrogen has reached a critical state. It will
only get hotter from here on out.

The news reporter is running away from the gang, going through a tunnel with 2 people dead from the heat. Also another time lapse of a busy street it shown

Its finally happened, all nations have closed
their borders in terms of aid. Its every nation for
themselves. Godspeed to those poor souls who suffer

2 people watch the news as this is broadcasted on television

The heat, bodies litter the streets, plant life is dying
Any advice is usless now.
Just hold your hands in prayer, and look for
forgivness from out Eternal Sun God

As this final broadcast is done, a Time lapse of the sun setting is shown.

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